and the UNeXpLaiNed ©Copyrighted by Dave Ayotte & Caty Bergman
There are four distinct triangles in the world's oceans that we know of so far, but we will add more as we come across them.
One of them, the Dragon's Triangle, is all by itself in the Pacific Ocean. The other three, the Bermuda and Devil's Triangle and the Limbo Of The Lost, are all in the Atlantic Ocean and overlap in areas.
The map on the left (CLICK TO GO see a larger version) is a rough estimation of where these triangles are located, because the exact coordinates depend on either your source, or the person describing the source, or both. Some people have a bad memory or they just make stuff up. Dave used to do it just to win arguements, and I'm no angel myself, I've done it on occassion, but Dave did it on more than just an occasion. He took it to a "whole 'nother level," as he called it. It became his life.
After a while, I couldn't tell if he was giving me the straight facts or some nicely tied up bullshit, but when you have to prove what you're talking about, especially nowadays with anyone being able to find just about anything on the web; well... that kind of lying tends to disappear after a while too, all by itself. I hope that means we are becoming a more "informed" society as a whole, but I'm still skeptical.
Anyway, our source for the Triangle coordinates (except the Dragon's) is "Into Thin Air: People Who Disappear", by Paul Begg, and (I might add) one of the maps in the book (Chap. 7, p. 67) shows and reads that the Devil's Triangle is not a triangle at all, but a trapezium. A trapezium (we think) is what you would end up with if you glued the bottom of two triangles together and erased the lines where they meet or are glued together, or something like that. At least, that's what the Devil's "Triangle" (Trapezium) looks like to us.
We'll keep writing it down as a "Triangle" though, because it's a whole lot easier to remember. Unless we start using "Trap" instead of "Trapezium", the Devil's Trap... bwahahahaha. Dave loves it, but no one else would know what the hell we were talking about, so we'll stick with our original plan and keep calling it the Devil's Triangle, but between us, that's a different story all together... bwahahahaha.
Although (as a side note), Dave seems to feel that the word "trapezium" sounds more like a "museum for traps" than a geometric shape, but that's his problem. I am not going down that road, at least not today anyway.
And there you have it for now, but we'll be back, and Dave wants to make sure I add that you all, "Have a nice weekend."
He says he's known for that phrase, and I have no idea what that means, and I am NOT going to ask... not today anyway.
TIMELINE (Bermuda Triangle)
[BerT] 9999: XXX-99 [XXX]
TIMELINE (Devil's Triangle)
[DevT] 1855: FEB-28 [WED] > UNX > Mysterious DESERTION (James B. Chester) > Mid-Atlantic Ocean (600 miles SW of the Azores)
TIMELINE (Dragon's Triangle)
[DraT] 9999: XXX-99 [XXX]
TIMELINE (Limbo Of The Lost)
[LotL] 9999: XXX-99 [XXX]
TIMELINE (Limbo Of The Lost)
[DevT] 1855: FEB-28 [WED] > UNX > Mysterious DESERTION (James B. Chester) > Mid-Atlantic Ocean (600 miles SW of the Azores)
Into Thin Air: People Who Disappear By Paul Begg (1979)
We are trying our best to at least get a minimal working webpage up for this subject as soon as possible, and we will, whenever we can get a few minutes away from the rest of our website, or as we research other Ocean Triangle events, we'll add them here also. And in time, we'll have a separate webpage for each of the Triangles listed above. At the moment, all we have one for is the Bermuda Triangle.
SO PLEASE, check back periodically to see for yourself what's going on or [CONTACT US] and tell us what you think or what you want to know, and we'll try our best to get back to you as soon as possible, but REMEMBER, WE WILL PRINT (at our discretion of course) everything we get, except your name and exact location (we will use initials and country instead), UNLESS you give us specific permission to do otherwise.
We also have a place where you can go to find out:
WHAT WE'RE CURRENTLY WORKING ON (OR GO TO OUR AmyStrange.orgPAGES) And last, BUT NOT LEAST: [BerT] Bermuda Triangle [DevT] Devil's Triangle [DraT] Dragon's Triangle [LotL] Limbo of the Lost Triangle THE END... or is it?