It seemed like a good idea, at the
     Anyway, even though I never told  
Beth, I’ve still never missed one, and 
not because I was the one who started  
this secret club. Pee Wee and I did    
actually, and at most of our secret    
meetings, what we did, or tried to do, 
was figure out a way to use missing    
person reports to find serial killers. 
We also talked about other things, but 
that was our main focus.               
     My theory was that there must be  
something about missing person reports,
a keyword or combination of key words, 
that would help us pinpoint which of   
the thousands of reports were serial   
killer related.                        
     I’m not exactly sure what we’ll be
able to do with the information, but I 
* did know that missing persons were       
almost always involved in serial killer
activities somewhere or somehow, and it
wouldn’t hurt to know this before they 
got prolific.                          
     I even had a webpage set-up to    
help us. It was only one page, but it  
was long.                              
     At the top, I explained my theory,
and under that, gave my contact infor- 
mation and asked for help from anyone  
who had an opinion, suggestion, criti- 
cism, or even if they just wanted to   
add another missing person link to the 
long list that followed.               
     I even rented a Post Office Box   
and listed it as one of the two ways to
contact us, just in case someone wanted
to send us something.                  

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