AmyStrange & the Criminal (Part 1: the Escape) Copyright © 2019 by David P. Ayotte THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR CHILDREN
CHAPTER 1: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15th << 10 | 11 | 12 >> Screaming, of course, is always optional. First, before I get into the real- ly bad part, let me explain how I got my nick, the Criminal. You already know about my fanta- sies, but what you don’t know is that long before I found out how bad they were, I loved them. As a matter of fact, some of my earliest memories are of me sitting on my bed and imagining some of the weird- est shit, that even to this day, I still haven’t been able to top. The shit I was channeling back then was way better than anything else that was going on in my life, and that included television, movies or even comic books. They were so good, I started to feel guilty about not sharing them with anyone, so when I was six, I decided to share some with my Mom. I even chuckled while explaining the first one. She didn’t get excited about it, like I thought she would. Like it’d be fun to watch herself being covered in honey, tied to a tree, and then picked to pieces by thousands and thousands of fire ants. When I got to the part where they were forcing their way down her throat, into her lungs, and then up into her brain, she had this look of fucking horror on her face, that I’ll never, ever forget. It’s how I imagine she looked, just before she died. After those first couple seconds, she relaxed, tousled my hair, and with a sad little smile, said, “You’re going to turn into a little criminal, aren’t you?” and for some god-awful reason, the nickname stuck. From that day forward, that’s what everyone called me, the “Little Crimi- nal”. After a while, that was shortened to the “Criminal”, until now, most of my friends just call me “Crim”. Except, when they’re royally pissed off at me, and then I’m the Criminal again. Nowadays, Beth’s the only one that can get away with calling me her Little Criminal, and that brings us back to the story about my Mom. Last we left her, I was getting ready to tell her the rest of it, but she stopped me. “Let’s wait until your father gets home first, ok?” I told her ok, because really, what else was I gonna say? I was only six-years-old, and besides, the way she said it didn’t sound good at all. She never called Daddy that. I wasn’t in any hurry to tell anyone about nothing, and I still haven’t. That is, until I met Beth, and now you, Doc. << 10 | 11 | 12 >> CHAPTER 1: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15th
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