and the UNeXpLaiNed ©Copyrighted by Dave Ayotte & Caty Bergman
We are trying our best to atleast get a minimal working website up as soon as possible. More than half of it is up and running, and all the links should work (feel free to CONTACT US if you run across any problems while exploring this site), but there is much more of it that needs to be written up, expanded with more details and information, or (at the least) rewritten.
To keep up with our ongoing work here, join any one of our Yahoogroups listed below:
(OR GO TO OUR AmyStrange.orgPAGES)
TO JOIN US in our discussion of unexplained phenomena like UFOs, Ghost and Cryptozoology, please join our AmyStrange Yahoo Group below, or (to explore other unexplained and fringe phenomena --like serial killers) check out our other groups (like our SK Cafe group) directly below this one:
Our "SK (Serial Killer) Cafe" Yahoo Group is also dedicated to the exploration, investigation, research, and discussion of the as yet unexplained world of serial killers. To join us in our quest and discussion of (but not limited to) present, past and the future of serial killer theory and psychology, join our SK group below:
Our "One Missing Person" Yahoo Group is dedicated to the exploration, investigation, research, and discussion of missing persons and to ultimately find each and every one. We believe that one missing person is one person too many. Join our One Missing Person group below:
Our "Fringers" Yahoo Group is dedicated to the exploration, investigation, research, and discussion of fringe science, drug use and other fringes of society. Join our Fringers' group below:
©Copyrighted by Dave Ayotte & Caty Bergman